Small Furry Friends

Although I could never imagine myself living with a dog of any kind, I can see that for my brother, his small but lively dogs are a very bright threesome in his life and a real necessity for this season.

Although I could never imagine myself living with a dog of any kind, I can see that for my brother, his small but lively dogs are a very bright threesome in his life and a real necessity for this season.

Having a pet requires a decent amount of dedication and commitment, but seniors sometimes find that pets are extremely beneficial friends and just a pure bundle of joy. The companionship that his trio of little dogs provides motivates my brother to get more involved in daily activities and socializing.

Most fascinating of this threesome is Augustus Valentine.  He is a lively Yorkshire Terrier that could jump almost to the top of the small fence enclosure that held him close to his teammates on the patio when I came for a visit.  As I inquired about his name, I learned that at first glance, he just looked like a little guy named “Gus”.  Believing that name was too casual for his special breed, the name was formalized on the spot to…… Augustus Valentine. Continue reading

A Heart Song

Find a place to “sing your heart out”… and when no one’s around, there’s always the shower.

Find a place to “sing your heart out”… and when no one’s around, there’s always the shower.

Remember when you were in a choir or glee club? It was all about singing a message with others using music as the communication vehicle. Whenever music is involved, be it singing or playing an instrument in a band, I think the participant is the real beneficiary. Add dancing or choreography and you had your whole body involved!

I always loved rehearsal… even more that the performance because I got to sing for a longer period of time. In the days and nights that followed, the music was going through my head while I was just doing every day activity. Continue reading

A New Plan

Management is problem solving every day and I have chosen to see this responsibility as a privilege.

Management is problem solving every day and I have chosen to see this responsibility as a privilege.

Retirement is not in my plan.  At age 65, I started a whole new career as housing has always been and area of interest.  After communicating on line with with Mary Peterson at The Hamilton in Savage, I came over for a visit to see the property for myself.   I asked Mary to describe in a nutshell, what it was like to manage a big apartment building.  She said, “It’s just like taking care of a very large home.”

Glendale Place was right next door, so I took a tour that same day.  Continue reading

Invisible Pain

Physical and emotional pains are a reality in everyone’s life.

Physical and emotional pains are a reality in everyone’s life.

On the outside, my fingernails looked perfect! But underneath two of those perfectly manicured nails was a throbbing pain that only I was noticing. Just hours before, somehow I had accidentally managed to get several fingers caught in the car door when I slammed it shut while grabbing for my seat-belt strap. Ouch!!!

I try to carry on, no matter what happens, so I tried reading to distract myself from the pain. Continue reading

No Time to Waste

boarding 24 additional hoarse for weekend riders in the area.

Her husband and adult son were the type of men that quickly turn anything they like into a business, so these days they are boarding 24 additional hoarse for weekend riders in the area.

Flexibility and change are NOT the usual character traits I see in my peers. But exceptions are to be found. While caring for tiny babies on Sunday in church, I met a women whose moved to Minnesota from Florida. Who does that? I was intrigued.

Turns out they started in Minnesota and then moved to Florida. They were not golfers so found it hard to connect with new people and a summer there….. well, she referred to it as the two showers a day season. Hot and humid was the norm. Continue reading

Remember When…

My dads words come to mine. “How many room can you live in at one time?”

My parents would be glad to see that their message of contentment got through to me. Thanks dear ones. I love them more every day and with each fond memory of their wise words.

When I was young and just starting out, I got that first apartment and savored the freedom of finally being on my own. Then the dreaming and striving turned to ward getting a house. It was all so “right” as the family grew and our needs changed over the years.

About the time age 40 came around, if your like me, you almost thought that you and your peers were sort of running the word. That “illusion” was in place for a very short time and before you could blink, it seemed like all the kids were gown and gone. Maybe they moved far away or it may have been you and your spouse that moved far away. Continue reading

Circling the Wagons

Families helping each other navigate the season of life after 55

Families helping each other navigate the season of life after 55

I have seen that this is exactly what families do when parents are getting older. There is this pragmatic need to get mom and dad back into the neighborhood or at least in the same metro area so that travel time to get to them is a doable effort. Families helping each other navigate the season of life after 55 are really a time of discovery that can be rewarding for everyone by choosing a mood of caring cooperation. The key term is PRO-active. Getting in front of the needs, with a realistic assessment is what is really needed. Continue reading